10 Tips To Flirt A Guy

There`s this whom guy you find really attractive yet you have no idea how to get to start flirting and taking his attention? Here are 10 tips for you.

You like a guy, find him extremely attractive and waiting for him to ask you out. This will not happen if you just stay there and expect him to ask you out leaving all the work to him. Do not put all the burden on the guy and make it easier for him to ask you first date with these simple flirting tips.

Tip 1. Be Yourself

No one likes a girl, or a guy, who is pretending to be someone else. Put your confidence on your own personality and be yourself when you are getting to know the guy you are interested in. Would you like him to fake himself to be another person while you are getting to know him? Honesty feeds and grows a good relationship so be yourself and do not pretend you love something you dislike just because he loves it.

In school: Don`t try to look smarter in school, sometimes it makes you look stupid, because nobody is perfect and everybody knows that.

Tip 2. Eye Contact

Eye contact is one of the most important things you need to catch if you want to have a good flirting experience. Eyes can speak louder than words and tell much more than actual words to the person before you about your feelings. Try to make an eye contact with the guy as you spend time with him. Try to keep the eye contact for a few seconds. If you catch looking back at you, it is even better as it means things have started to work for you. Wait for a few more seconds when you catch an eye contact with him and if he does not look away, give him a smile. This was he can figure out that you are interested and he will be encouraged to ask you out.

In school: If your guy is sitting in the back row in the classroom, don`t keep looking back too much. Try to catch his eyes during the breaks instread with a direct contact. Direct contact is always better. Try to show him how beautiful you are.. Doing do is not possible while you are sitting.

Tip 3. Dress Properly

There are clothes you should and should not put on for a first date. Do not wear things that make you look ridiculous just to attract a guy. Prefer the kind of clothes that make you feel comfortable wearing and that boost your confidence. How can clothes boost your confidence? Of course, by wearing the right clothes to take the attention on the part you like most on you. For example; if you have perfect legs, you can wear a short skirt or shorts. If you have blue, green or gray eyes; you can wear something to match your eyecolor. If you have a nice waist, you can put on a thick belt to pull the attention there. Boost your confidence and have fun.

In school: If your school has a uniform then it won`t be easy make a difference. But you can change your hairstyle and little accessories.

Tip 4. Smile

Smiling. A sweet smile is perhaps one of the most effective to take a guy`s mind out of his head. Do not underestimate the effect and importance of smiling and smile.

In school: Always smile him and also do smile at other people. He will recognize that you are happy. Happiness is like a magnet, it attracts people.

Tip 5. Be Open

We do not mean by being open that you need to tell him that you are interested in him right away. Everything else you would be doing would have no point if you did that and it is never as effective as it might sound it is. Instead, we suggest that you can give him a clear message some other way like behaving him differently to him than you behave to the other guys than him. That way he will understand that he makes a difference for you and he will be one step closer to be encouraged to ask you out.

In school: Sometimes, get some time for yourself and try to get busy with things alone in the class or somewhere else in the school. That way he can find the opportunity to talk to you alone.

Tip 6. Be Initiative

If you like someone so much, do not just expect him to walk over and meet you. Go to him and say "Hi" with a smile. You never know, maybe he could not see you properly or there could be any other reason that`d cause you to miss him.
In school: Try to take first step, just a little "Hi" can change your life. Try it.


Tip 7. Learn About The Things He Enjoys

And by saying that we do not mean you should send one of your friends to learn the things you enjoy than try to pretend you enjoy them too. That`s a big mistake many girls do and definitely violates the first rule of flirting: Be Yourself. Learn about the things he enjoys by discussing them with him. This is always a good way to start a nice conversation. Do not pretend that you like something while you does not like it just because he likes it. Yet be respectful about the things he likes and you do not and listen to what he says.

In school: Learn what he wears, eats and listens, his football team, his idols, etc. Maybe you can find a common hobby with him. Always do look for common things between you two, but never ever pretend like you love everything he does.

Tip 8. Sense Of Humor

Probably everyone has heard about the rumor that girls like guys that make them laugh. Well, guys also like the girls who have a good sense of humor. Do not be shy to reveal your sense of humor to him yet do it if you are confident that you have a good sense of humor. Do not try to make jokes just for the sake of making it, that will look ridiculous.

In school: Keep your mood good. Enjoy listening to do and making jokes. It`s not about humor it`s about joy. Enjoy the life.


Tip 9. Do Not Make Your Friends Love Agents

Yes, we are telling this to those who send their friends to learn things about the guy they are interested in or who send their friends to ask the guy if he is also interested. That is a pretty childish thing to do and will cause your guy to turn off. Doing these has a very negative effect on the guy and is never going to work.

In school: You can learn some information about him from your friends but do not ever make your guy realize you are getting information about him.


Tip 10. Make Him Feel Good

What a guy feels while spending time with you is one of the most important things that will make it easier for him to fall in love with you. Make him feel good and content while he is spending time with you. We do not mean that you should do things you do not want to just to make him have fun. We mean that you can make him feel good by complimenting his skills or how sweet his smile is. Do not overdo it or it will look and sound all insincere.

In school:Boys like to spend time with girls. Do not pay excessive effort to it, just spend time with him. He will get closer to you.

If you follow these tips and be honest and confident, it is most likely that you will encourage the guy to ask you out. You may get your first kiss on your first date.

Date:2013-12-06 10:19:51

10 Tips To Flirt A Guy Comments

Just be yourself. Dont try to pretend. Its enought for being good boyfriend and girlfriend.
Smile is best for ever girls. Just smile from deep of your heart

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