You have asked your crush out and the day and moment for your first date with him/her is approaching. You checked yourself a million times before the mirror after a long and challenging period of being satisfied with your looks. However, you are still excited about your first date and is worrying about doing something wrong out of excitement or you are worrying doing something wrong just in case what you and he/she expects from your first date would not meet. What we mean by expectations here is really deep matter.
Kissing Matter
If you have known each other for a while and have always had a crush on each other, then probably there`s already a positive romantic tension and appeal between you and him/her. At this case, your expectations from the date is most likely to be mutual and so there are less possibilities that you would make a first date mistake no matter how nervous you are. However, if you doubt that it is an one way crush; meaning one of the sides is pretty much allured by the other and perhaps even in love with the other, yet the other`s feeling as not strong as him/her however he/she accepted the date because he/she wants to get to know the person more to see if a relationship can be started. At this case, the side who has stronger feeling is more prone to do mistakes.
The Three Dating Situations
If both sides newly met each other, the possibilities of making a mistake during the first date is again less then the possibility of one side with stronger feelings making mistakes. Of course, in this kind of first dates and in the first kind of each sides having been in love with each for a long time, the sides can still fall for mistakes out of excitement and nervousness. Yet at this two case (couples who have already had emotions for each for a long time and couples who newly met) the sides are most likely to tolerate each other`s mistakes as they would both understand the excitement and nervousness. Even the mistakes that are fallen for during these kinds of dates might help the sides to have a really positive approach to each other as they could be seen as signs of sincerity and the fact that the sides would think the person he/she is going on a first date with really finds him/her attractive so that is the reason of getting excited and nervous. This surely will have a positive effect on the relationship.
To Kiss Or Not To Kiss
Finally coming to the "Kissing on the first date" matter, we will evaluate it according to these three types of dating situations. Everyone might have their unique ideas about kissing on the first date and if it is good or bad. However, you cannot always find these answers reliable as everyone is different. Actually, at this case, how each side going on a date thinking about the other and how close he/she is feeling to the one he/she is going on with a date. And we can analyze this with these three types of dating situations.
Date 1: Both Sides Are In Love
Let`s start from the first situation; both sides have known each other for a while and have had strong feelings and attraction between each other for a while. Finally these two individuals are going on a date. Now, should there be a kiss on the first date? Our answer to this question for this matter is a big "Yes!". If each sides have had feeling for each other for a long time, it means they already both want their relationship to advance into a more intimate level so if this is the case, it is totally okay to have a kiss on the first date.
Date 2: Newly Met
The second situation is that the sides have newly met and are going on a date. At this case, it is obvious that the purpose of this date is getting to know each other better. So, during this date, there should be conversations with mutual exchanges. Finding out about the person you are going on a date with and then there will be a process of deciding if the person you have had a date with is suitable for you to start a relationship with. Or if you really have been attracted by him/her. Since, this kind of a date is a "Getting to know each other date", kissing at this kind of first date usually will be big mistake to do. There might be pecks on the cheek at the end of the date depending on how it has been for the both sides. If each sides enjoyed each other, you can get or have a peck on the cheek.
Date 3: One Side Having Stronger Feelings
The third and last situation is perhaps the harder and most confusing one. At this case, one of the sides (either girl or boy) does really like the other, and perhaps even in love with him/her, however the other side is not sure about his/her feelings. Of course, no one would go on a date with a person they do not find appealing, however sometimes the feelings both sides have for each other are just not balanced. While one side has really stong feelings for the other and want the relationship to be intimate, the other might only be there to get to know each other. Surely, at this case, the side with stronger feelings will have the urge to have a kiss. Yet if he/she attempts a kiss the other side might not be ready for it so it would not end so well at all. There`s also the possibility that the person with less feelings might tolerate or actually enjoy the kiss, however we generally do not suggest giving or receiving a first kiss during this kind of first date just to be safe. Just like the second situation, a peck on the cheek at the end of the date might be okay according to how your dating experience have turned out to be.
You can look our kissing quotes page to share some good quotes on social media.
Date:2013-12-17 02:45:00