Kissing is the one of the best ways to express our love and affection to the ones we love. However, sometimes we can dream about kissing people and that surprises us and leave us thinking and wondering what it could mean. Here we will explain you the variation of kissing people have experienced before in their dreams and the possible meanings of them.
Meaning of Kissing
First of all, kissing in dream means generally gaining a sense of victory and gaining superiority against enemies. Of course, you will decide who can be the enemy there. It can be any one who is trying to be your rival in something or someone you does not like and annoys you. Kissing a guy or a girl, whom you do not know, in a dream means you have and keep happiness inside. You are happy and content with your life and you have your confidence in yourself even though you might not be aware of it.
Kissing a boy in dream, Dream of Kissing a man !
If you are a girl and dreamed of kissing a guy who is really handsome, it probably means you are looking for love and affection in your life. It might also mean that the days that you would be happy with are approaching and you need to be a bit more patient and hard working in order to gain what you need. If you are a girl and dramed of yourself kissing a guy you know, it means that deep inside you want to start a relationship with that person and you also think he is interested in a relationship with you. Go ahead and ask him out and start your happy relationship.
Kissing a Girl in your dream, Meaning of Kissing a woman !
If you are a guy and dramed of yourself kissing a really beautiful and attractive girl, it means that you are in search of a relationship however you are not yet thinking of getting yourself into a serious and long time relationship. Instead, it means you want to enjoy yourself with some short-term relationships. Maybe you just ended a long time relationship and you need some time to relax. If you are a guy and dreamed of yourself kissing a girl you know, it means that deep inside you desire that girl and you are not sure if she would return your feelings. At this case, we suggest that you be honest with her and go tell her your feelings. Trust us, it is going to end well no matter what her response would be as girls do always like an honest guy who is not afraid to express his emotions.
Dream of Kissing Someone meaning !
If you, girl or guy, just ended a relationship and dreamed of yourself kissing someone attractive you don`t know, it means you are looking for affection and love deep inside. You are hurt because of your last relationship and you are looking for someone`s love and affection in order to recover from your broken heart. However, no matter how you dreamed about it. Usually trying to fill that need of affection right after breaking up with your girlfriend/boyfriend often do not end well. So we suggest you take a short break from relationships first and clear your mind.
Dreaming of Kissing Psycological Meaning
When psychologically analyzed, dreaming of yourself enjoying a kiss in your dream usually has positive meanings. It shows being content with emotional life and having confidence in yourself. If you have a relationship and dream of kissing your lover, it means you are happy with your relationship and if you do not have a relationship and dream of yourself kissing someone, it means you are confident with yourself and you are attractive enough to find a lover and you are happy with yourself.
Date:2013-12-16 03:32:25